The Immortals of Meluha Read-along week 1

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Hello Dear Readers! Welcome to the first week of 
The Immortals of Meluha by Amish Tripathi Read-Along
Today I am the Host... Woohooo!! :)

This awesome event is hosted by Me @ Booklok CoffeeSarika and Janhvi @ The Readdicts and Kartik @ MeBookGeeko

Today our Discussion will be about the First 7 chapters. Till 'Lord Ram’s Unfinished Task'.

Onto Discussion:

  1.  The most important question, What do you think about the concept of the story. The base of the story is that perhaps Mahadev's myth is not what we think it is. Perhaps it's different. 
Quoting Amish Tripathi -- 'But what if we are wrong? What if Lord Shiva was not a figment of a rich imagination, but a person of flesh and blood? Like you and me. A man who rose to become godlike because of his karma. That is the premise of the Shiva Trilogy, which interprets the rich mythological heritage of ancient India, blending fiction with historical fact.'

Now there isn't an easy way to answer this question. It is rather a very ambitious concept and if the writer pulls it off then it can be a truly amazing story and by this I am strictly including the 'story' part and excluding all other things.

2. At the very beginning, just after the first war with Pakratis, Nandi Hoped ‘Shiva has the heart. He has the potential. Please, let it be him. I pray to you Lord Ram, let it be him.'
What Nandi wants Shiva to be?

Nandi wants Shiva to be the Neelkanth, the bearer of the blue throat, savior of Meluha, A  land of abundance, of almost ethereal perfection, still ruled by the principals and ethics of Raja Ram.

3. Shiva has been noted to cuss a lot, like dammit!, How the hell... and well there are many such words, what is your take on it?

Somehow I don't see Lord Shiva Cussing or loosing patience. And I can't stop myself from comparing both. I know I have not Met Lord Shiva, Mahadev but I like to believe that I have and he is my best friend and I just don't like his personification using cuss words. I would have liked it better if Shiva was much calmer and Know-it-all kind of a guy with that signature Know-it-all smile. (That Mand mand muskana kind of smile). Perhaps Author will let his Shiva redeem himself, be the kind of Shiva I want to see. We just have to wait and read.

4. This story took place in 1900 BC, Are you able to connect the writing with that era?

I don't really know the dialect of that era but while reading it I wish Author would have created his own Dialect or use the authentic one's. It feels like reading about some Modern Shiva. It somehow disconnects you from the essence of the whole world-binding. Dialogue delivery is random, sometimes there is "My Lady" some times there are words like 'restaurants', I don't think they used to use the word 'restaurants' but using the word "Bhojnalaya' or something with Indian touch to it would have been better.

5. So far we have read just 7 starting chapters, nothing significant has happen yet, Which scene caught your eyes the most.

I like the part where Nandi explains the ancient symbol 'Aum' and its origin and how it's coloration represents different things. Author has skillfully designed the whole concept keeping it's roots intact.
I also liked the first meeting of Shiva and Sati. Also when Shiva danced for the first time, His explanation on 'Natarajpose', the pose of the Lord of the Dance. Being a Kathak dancer myself I am well acquainted with that pose/mudra, and every dancer worship that Pose/mudra. Again I would have liked it better if Author have used the word Mudra instead of Pose.

6. Originally Raja Daksha, from our mythology did not approve of Lord Shiva, he forbade his daughter from meeting him. But in IoM, Raja Daksha believes in Shiva and his powers but Princess Sati is Vaikarma, an untouchable in this life due to sins committed in her previous births, what do you think of it?

I really liked that Author have change the behavior of characters from the original mythology, it shows his imaginative horizon. Since every epic love story must have loads of ups and downs, I am really looking forward to see how Shiva convinces Princess Sati to .. well... For that I need to read the rest... 

Here are some Pictures that I related with the story:
Mansarovar Lake
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You can answer the questions here or post it on your blog. If you are posting elsewhere, Don't forget to leave the post URL down under comments. I would love to read your take on these questions. You can also post your own thoughts.

Catch us on Twitter:
Ankita, that would be me @ankita0112
Sarika @SarikaP8
Janhvi @justjanhvi
Kartik @mebookgeeko
Please use the hashtag #IoMReadAlong

Next weekend on 16th, we are meeting @ The Readdicts

Thank you for Visiting!!
Happy reading!!
Stay Fabulous. 

PS-- I am being honest with my answers. No offence to anybody.

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